Audiologist – Harriett Rowlands

Amplify Hearing's Audiologist and Hearing Care Specialist, Harriett Rowlands, who provides free hearing tests and ear wax removal, wearing a white shirt with her arms crossed smiling.

Your local Amplify Hearing Audiologist

Harriet Rowlands

Harriett is fully qualified and has been practising audiology for over 10 years. She started her audiology career with her family business, before moving on to national companies, working with all manufacturers and gaining a vast knowledge base of technology. Harriett is fully qualified in wax removal and is studying for a PhD in hearing therapy to add to her experience and passion for learning. Harriet prides herself on offering advice to help set realistic expectations and helping to educate people about hearing loss and how it can be improved with the correct systems and aftercare. Outside of practising you can find her outdoors most of the time. Clay shooting is her main hobby alongside a very active gym membership. Spending time with family and friends, lots of dog walking and lazy Sundays complete the week.