We’re independent
We provide independent, professional, hearing health care and audiology services through your local optician’s practice.
By working with the UK’s best independent local opticians, we offer a dedicated, hearing care service for your local community and we’re passionate about serving you.
So in the same way your optician cares for your eyes – with independent advice, clinical excellence and personal service – you can now benefit from all this for your ears too!
Hearing solutions suited to you, not us
Because we’re a completely independent hearing care provider, we always only recommend hearing aids based on what’s best suited to your individual hearing loss, your specific needs and your lifestyle. Rather than suggesting a hearing aid based on which manufacturer we may be commercially affiliated with, unlike many hearing aid retailers.
All the leading brands
We offer hearing solutions from all the world’s leading hearing aid brands, so you have a huge range of technology and fitting styles to choose from. Don’t worry, if you’re spoilt for choice, and don’t know what to choose, we’ll help guide you.
Our comprehensive range of hearing solutions includes digital, custom made, rechargeable, Bluetooth and incredibly discreet hearing aids.
All with free aftercare
What’s more, every single hearing solution we offer, comes with free comprehensive aftercare! Find out more about our aftercare and why independent hearing aid providers like us were rated the most highly by patients – over and above all the high street retailers – in a Which? Survey, 2021.
We were the only hearing aid providers to achieve 5 stars for our product range, hearing aid appearance and aftercare, and as independents our knowledge and professionalism is unrivalled.
We take the time to understand you
Our local, fully qualified, hearing care professionals will build a relationship with you and take the time to make sure you get the very best from your hearing aids. When we talk through your hearing options with you, you’re guaranteed to receive unbiased hearing advice you can trust.