Audiologist – Kaz Shiraz

Your local Amplify Hearing team

Amplify Hearing Audiologist Kaz Shiraz who provides hearing health checks, hearing tests and ear wax removal

Kaz Shiraz

Kaz graduated in 2009 from the BSc Audiology degree. During his training, Kaz worked at the local hospital in High Wycombe and on graduating worked in Austria for a leading cochlear implant manufacturer. He then went onto work for one of the leading hearing aid manufacturers as a technical support audiologist, supporting audiologist and hearing aid users with technical advice and training to achieve effective outcomes. He then progressed to Head of Technical Support for the UK operations. Kaz is very passionate about his independence as a hearing care professional and being able to offer a unique service to every client based on individual needs. Kaz is also trained in offering ear wax removal services using the Clearwax endoscope and microsuction. Outside of work Kaz is a keen footballer and cricketer. He enjoys spending time with his friends and family and believes this is so important for positive wellbeing.

Sidra Karim

Sidra graduated in June 2021 from Aston University and has previously worked as an Audiologist with the NHS. Sidra was really drawn to the unique blend of clinical care and technical expertise that is developed as an Audiologist. She enjoys the theory of audiology very much and finds being able to implement that in real clinical settings fantastic, especially when she sees the impact good hearing aid provision has on quality of life. In her spare time, Sidra spends most of her time reading mystery and fantasy novels, and coming up with wild theories as to how a story will conclude - often from the first chapter. When not reading Sidra enjoys drawing and swimming, although she is usually plays a high-stakes game of Tetris with her bookshelf, in a futile attempt to fit another book somewhere.

Zoheb Ashraf, an audiologist at Amplify Hearing

Zoheb Ashraf

Zoheb completed his degree in Audiology at Aston University and is fully qualified in ear wax removal using the latest microsuction and clear wax endoscope technique. Zoheb is passionate about patients having access to independent hearing health care and receiving an honest and transparent service, so, with the help and advice of their audiologist, they can choose the very best hearing solution, individual to them. In his spare time, Zoheb enjoys playing football and cricket for his local teams in Kent, and he boxes and takes part in Brazilian Jui Jitsu which keeps him super fit. Zoheb loves spending time with his family, as well as traveling and seeing the world!

Fatema Narband

Fatema graduated with a BSc (Hons) Audiology degree and worked in the NHS which provided a great base for how to fit and work with complex losses. Fatema then worked for a global manufacturer of hearing aids as both a Field Training Audiologist and an NHS Account Manager. This required supporting audiologists with their training, helping with technical queries and assisting patients on their hearing aid journey. She is very passionate about bringing a high quality of care, and loves the difference seeing an audiologist can make to the quality of life of patients. Outside of work, Fatema likes to spend time with her family, travelling, and completing escape rooms!